Wednesday, March 3, 2010

IT's only and always a Game!

First of all, this whole thing we call life is really just a game. We are all playing it and some of the time I actually remember that it IS a game and then all my problems disappear. It is not so EZ to see backstage in the game of life. We take it all too seriously. Why should a mere game cause someone a heart attack? And yet it does - it almost did to me.

I am NOT talking about the game of life here - talking about Football - NHL football. Specifically the Superbowl game of 2009. I am not even a football fan but the Patriots, were playing and when I am a fan I am a Patriot's fan. This game was one of the most exciting I have ever watched and the Giants pulled off an almost impossible comeback win.

One one of the touchdown runs I cheered so hard, jumping up from the couch and high-fiving Tim VanNess, that my heart pumped sand started o violently that I had to sit down hard and breathe deeply for a few minutes. Wow! Over a game 'game,' not even the game of 'real life.'

I used to watch my daughter get sooooooooo upset over getting behind in Chutes&Ladders. "It's only a game sweetheart" didn't seem to help.

So, if we can get so invested in actual games, letting them have such emotional/physical/mental effects on us - how much more difficult is it to stand back from the game of RL (Real Life) and not take it so seriously? In my darkest most despairing, desparate moments my great desire is to be able to step back, breathe and remind myself, "It's only a game."

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